Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Several years ago in a presidential campaign one candidate's promotional team placed a card on the podium to remind him to keep focused upon the message he wanted to get across.  That message was simple:  "It's the economy stupid."
When we talk and think about discipleship we sometimes make it sound like it's something we do TO persons that make them grow as disciples of Jesus.  If we can just offer the right program, the right small group, the right curriculum, then persons will grow as disciples.  But the truth seems to me to be--It's relationship, stupid.

I'm not calling you stupid.  I am rather reminding myself that all the talk about disciples really comes down to relationship.  First, it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  But how does someone come to know Jesus if they are not introduced to him?  If I have a good friend and we meet someone else I know, but this acquaintance doesn't know my good friend, what do I do?  I introduce them.  Evangelism seems to me is simply introducing persons we know to another person we know--Jesus. 

But growing as a disciple of Jesus takes more than an introduction.  It times time spent with Jesus living as he intended.  Jesus spent three years walking with, sharing with and living with his disciples.  He taught many.  He healed several.  He even fed thousands.  But in only had a few close disciples that in invested his life in.  These few were empowered to carry on after Jesus' death and resurrection.

How many persons are we investing our lives in?  For some this is what we do with our children.  Yet once our children have moved out, who do we invest our lives in?  In the church if every believer was discipling another person, what an impact that would have.  I believe that every pastor needs to be intentionally discipling another person or persons by investing special time with them.  I believe every pastor needs to continue to be discipled themselves through a mentor or peer group experience.

We often focus upon numbers and programs, but let's remember--It's relationship, stupid.