Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Qualities of a disciple-forming community: Spiritual Vitality

            For every disciple-forming community certain qualities are necessary.  These qualities do not have to come in a certain order but do build upon one another.  Over the next few blogs I will share something about each one.  Hopefully, you will enter into a dialogue and give some examples of how you see these working in the life of your congregation.

            The first quality I will talk about is Spiritual Vitality.  This is the desire to grow in relationship to Christ so that we can discern God’s call in our lives.  What does this look like in the church?
·        There is an abiding desire to grow in relationship with Christ.
·        There is an active trust in the power of God.
·        There is a sense of humility.
·        A desire to discern God’s call upon one’s life.
·        A willingness to change.
·        An enduring sense of gentleness and kindness towards others.
·        A bold commitment to participate in God’s mission in the world.

How do you see these characteristics lived out in your congregation?  Is there a spiritual vitality in your walk?  Do you seek a deeper awareness of God’s presence in your life and the life of your church?

Many persons in the world have a sense of a spiritual hunger.  They would say they are spiritual, but not religious.  How do you respond to these words?  How can we acknowledge this spiritual need and respond to it in ways that enable persons to grow in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ?

Share you thoughts with us.